Well, this sucks

Well, this sucks
Kinda feels a bit like this at the moment (also, I just finished watching The Umbrella Academy)

I had an entirely different post planned for today but that one was kind of a downer and I don't think it's necessarily what's required on this particular day, in this particular cursed timeline.

I did not sleep well last night. This is down to a few things going on at the moment but definitely one of the things was the Bizarro World announcement yesterday of the newly appointed Human Rights, and Race Relations Commissioners.

The new Human Rights Commissioner, Stephen Rainbow, has expressed transphobic sentiments in the recent past, and, in what can only be called a "storied" political career, once opposed the Green Party's membership of the Alliance coalition because of the Alliance's "emphasis on social justice type issues detracted focus from environmental issues"1. It seems Stephen has changed his tune about concentrating on social justice - just perhaps not in the way that anyone was hoping.

Meanwhile our new Race Relations Commissioner, Dr. Melissa Derby's appointment was met with the following statements from everybody's favourite "definitely not in favour of racism when it suits us" outfit of ghouls, the Free Speech Union:

We are thrilled to welcome the appointment of Dr. Melissa Derby to her new position as the Race Relations Commissioner. Dr. Derby was a founding member of the Free Speech Union, and has served on our Council for years. In a time when open discourse on race relations is so fraught, her role will be challenging but crucial, says Jonathan Ayling, Chief Executive of the Free Speech Union.
A very distressed Jake Peralta in Brooklyn Nine Nine saying "cool, cool, cool," over and over to himself.
No doubt. No doubt.


And then there's the views she's actually espoused in public like this nugget of "I'm just asking questions" wisdom from a video titled "Is the system stacked against some kiwis?2"

For example, if ‘systemic racism’, which we are told permeates our systems and institutions, is the cause for a disproportionate number of Māori experiencing poor outcomes, why don’t all Māori experience poor outcomes?
Gif from a Simpsons episode with Chief Wiggum saying "There you have it, boys. Case closed".

The only good thing about Dr Derby is that she whakapapas to Ngāti Ranginui so she ain't one of mine. Breathe a huge sigh of relief, all those non-Ngāti Ranginui whānau out there. And take a moment to reflect on the profound levels of cringe our Ngāti Ranginui friends, colleagues and whānau must be feeling at this time. Our thoughts are with you, aroha atu.

Dr Derby also has ties to Speak Up For Women, the organisation that is soley interested in speaking up for women but only to say heinously transphobic things and literally nothing else.

So this is BAD, folks. ACT has made no secret that they think the Human Rights Commission shouldn't exist and it looks very much like they are going to try to gut it from within and they're not even being very sneaky about it.

Honestly, I felt very down about this yesterday and still do. Despair is offering to hold me is his heavy, cold arms at the moment, you know?

I don't really have a plan except these things:

  • Be very kind to our trans whānau at this time (and always!), and support in whatever way I can. I have been donating my tax cut each fortnight to a worthy cause. Looks like Rainbow Youth might be the next recipient. Other suggestions welcome in the comments, or on posts when I share this on socials.
  • Do something nice for someone. Pay a compliment. Do a favour. Commit an act of service. Because doing something good for someone else is fucking uplifting, and I need to feel uplifted today.
  • Invest in this amazing initiative that has the potential to disrupt housing in the best possible way. They just made over their minimum target amount this morning but with more investment they'll be able to do more. If you have $100 to spare I think this is a great way to spend it and it might make you feel like not everything is hopeless.

There are bad times ahead. Gird up your loins. Build your community. Share what you can (even if it's just stupid gifs).

1 From the Stephen Rainbow Wikipedia page https. Also, and this has been very well established, social justice and climate justice are thoroughly enmeshed with one another. It's all the same struggle, brother.


Angry chasing goose meme, in which the top panel says "Which kiwis, Melissa?!" and the bottom panel says "Which kiwis?!!"